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How to deal with wedding planning anxiety?

  • By Ridhima Arora
  • April 13, 2020
  • 4 minutes read

How to deal with wedding planning anxiety?


Planning a wedding is not an easy thing to do! That long list of wedding tasks has the ability to push you towards that whirlwind of anxiety. All those appointments and coordination over the calls or emails can be a little overwhelming. Sometimes, the negative thoughts also pop up such as – what if things go wrong or as you planned? There are fair chances that your mind dwells upon such negative thoughts too. Such thoughts are the hallmarks of anxiety, which you may have experienced for the first time because of planning your wedding. You must not have thought of such situations and must be looking forward to all the happy times, but that’s the Catch-22 of wedding planning anxiety. You really don’t need to worry about it and in all this, you need to understand what you are dealing with.



Understanding Wedding Planning Anxiety

Firstly, give it a thought… all these symptoms such as feeling overwhelmed, dread, restlessness, being shaky, breathlessness is all linked to the tasks as well as thoughts of your wedding-related tasks. One thing you really need to keep in mind during all this- wedding planning is more overwhelming as well as physically taxing than stress.



How to deal with it?

Here are some best tips from mental health experts for their best tips to handle all the anxiety-inducing stress. All you need to do is follow them and with that don’t forget to take breaths and rest assured…


Let your thoughts get out and be honest about it

The most stress-inducing thing about wedding planning is the Budget. Even its mention can lead to heart palpitations which are not a good thing for sure. You can easily talk about money and it should be discussed. We would suggest you deal with financial anxiety by communicating it with your parents.


Try to embrace the imperfections

We always heard of the common notion- ‘everything’s not perfect’ and the same implies to your wedding as well. You must be trying hard to make your D-Day perfect and in all those efforts sometimes we get distracted from the thought of curating a meaningful ceremony. You need to keep in mind that your decisions will prove to be good for your wedding and whatever you do will help you get what you want! You really don’t need to torture yourself for every single detail.


Take some time for yourself

This will surely help you to fix so many things. The best way to stay away from the wedding planning is by taking some time off from it. This wedding planning will surely leave you with so much lesser time for yourself. But your life is more than that and you need to spend some good time with your friends for some distraction.


Keep thinking about your D-Day

You can’t run away from this anxiety, but amidst all this keep thinking about your future with your partner and how much fun you will be having at the celebration. This will pass and in all this, you always need to remember that you and your partner are a team. The best is yet to come and you will have a beautiful future with your partner.


Vulnerability is fine, but you need to have control over yourself

It is strongly recommended that both of you need to talk and work through all the emotions and try to face tough conversations about anxiety or any stress. You really should do it whenever you are comfortable to share it with your partner. Be gentle while these discussions to maintain harmony in your relationship.



If things really go out of hand and even these precautions don’t help then you should definitely seek help from a professional that will surely help you to navigate through these tough times.




Trust us, it won’t always feel this way. You’ve got this.




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